Tuesday, August 9, 2011


You can make any of your favorite things detox friendly with just a few tweaks!

Look at your local health food store for a gluten-free bisquick mix or pizza crust. Check the ingredients for sugar and yeast - remember those are "no-no's"! There is a pizza crust mix I'm familiar with that includes a yeast packet. You can use that mix, just don't use the yeast. It obviously will be more like a flat bread than a pillowy pizza crust, but it's yummy and does the trick.

You can make your own marinara similar to the recipe for the spaghetti sauce with crushed tomatoes, a pinch of stevia or xylitol, herbs, salt & pepper and some tomato paste. If you feel like comparing a zillion types of marinara at a health food store, you might find a gluten, sugar, yeast, soy free brand - but I haven't been that ambitious yet. If you find a great brand that is detox friendly, post it in the comments of this recipe for others to enjoy!

Top the pizza with mushrooms, onions, peppers, tomatoes, seasoned ground meat, nitrate free turkey bacon crumbles, or any other array of detox friendly toppings. Have fun with it and get creative! Obviously you can't have cheese on it, but you'll be surprised at how you won't miss it. Trust me! Cheese does help hold things together, but if you use a flavorful blend of other things, you'll be pleased at the taste without the cheese.

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